European Natural Gas Inventories

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-->Current Inventories

-->Projected Inventories

-->LNG Storage

-->5-Year Historical Comparison

-->European Supply ***NEW!***

Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) provides daily updates on European natural gas inventories for 18 nations. European storage numbers are important for the US market as these nations are consumers of exported Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and will influence export demand. European natural gas inventories are updated daily between 4 PM and 5 PM EDT for the prior day. Source: GIE

Current European Natural Gas Storage Data

    European Map By % Surplus Versus The 5-Year Average
European Inventories: 5-Year Historical Comparison

European LNG Storage Data

European LNG storage is found either in onshore facilities or as offshore "floating" storage. It takes up 600 times less volume than traditional gas storage and can be a more efficient way to storage the commodity. Volumes are received from tankers arriving from the US and around the world.

Daily Send-Out From LNG Storage

Daily sendout is liquefied natural gas (LNG) that has been "regassified" back into a gas and injected into the European pipeline system. It can then meet demand needs or wind up in traditional gaseous storage. It is a metric of daily gas demand.

Projected European Storage Data

European Storage Projection History