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As Celsius Energy continues to grow, costs and the time commitment to keep the site maintained build rapidly. For this reason, I am offering premium features for a small monthly fee to help support the site. These include:
-Daily Commentaries, a 1000-1500 word 5x per week discussion of natural gas fundamentals, trading outlook and strategies
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Friday Daily Commentary For Subscribers

Natural Gas Tumbles After EIA Storage Miss & Amidst Continued Supply Concerns, Even As LNG Exports Recovery & Summer Heat Beckons; Fundamental Undervaluations Widen As Commodity Approaches Price Floor; Gas Demand To Fall To Near-Term Lows This Weekend Before Sustained Heat Ramps Up Early Next Week

Chart Of The Day

Chart of the Day: Click here for more information on on natural gas investing.

Friday, July 26, 2024
This Daily Commentary is available to current Premium Membership Subscribers. Subscribers gain access to these 1500-3000 word commentaries 5 times per week as well as access to my realtime Oil & Natural Gas Portfolio. To learn more about subscribing and helping to support the site, please click HERE.

In its weekly Natural Gas Storage Report for July 13-19, the EIA announced Thursday morning that inventories rose by +22 BCF. This was a slight 9 BCF bullish versus the 5-year average but came in 3 BCF above my +19 BCF projection (and further above the bulk of analyst guidance). On a temperature-adjusted basis, the week’s report was considerably looser than the previous week, coming in at a neutral +0.1 BCF/day tight versus the 5-year average (was 2.6 BCF/day tight last week). This means that all but 0.7 BCF of the week’s 9 BCF bullishness was driven by temperature rather than underlying fundamentals. With the injection, natural gas inventories rose to 3231 BCF while the surplus versus the 5-year average narrowed to +456 BCF. The year-over-year surplus held nearly steady at +249 BCF. Storage levels remain at 5-year highs but are just 16 BCF above 2020 levels and could fall below that level by the first or second week of August. The South Central Region saw the only weekly wit...

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Last 3 Daily Commentaries:

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Gas Prices (Unfairly) Punished After EQT Production Guidance & LNG Export Speedbump; Weak Wind Generation Drives Bullish Powerburn & Downward Revision In Projected Injections; EIA Projected To Announce Modestly Bullish +19 BCF Injection In Today’s Storage Report; Oil Prices Rise After Bullish EIA Petroleum Status Report; Gas Demand To Hold Steady Today As Cool Temperatures Dominate East Of Mississippi River

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Natural Gas Pulls Back…And Then Pulls Back Again Overnight After EQT Production Guidance; Production Still A Headwind, But LNG Exports, Temperature Outlook, & Fair Price Data All Pivoting Back Towards The Bulls; Oil Prices Drop To 6-Week Lows On Ceasefire Talks & Chinese Demand Fears; EIA Expected To Announce Bullish Crude Oil Inventory Drawdown Today; Gas Demand To Hold Flat As Cool Conditions Persist Across The Heartland

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Natural Gas Surges On Prospective Late July & Early August Heat & On LNG Export Demand Recovery; Rally Eliminates Front-Month Undervaluation Versus Fair Price; Gas Demand To Edge Higher Today As Eastern Seaboard Temporarily Warms

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Popular Charts, Tables, & Maps
Weekly Commentaries **NEW!***

These are a series of commentaries about broad topics and trends in the oil and natural gas sector. These will typically be published on Saturday or Sunday and will be publicly available. I hope you find them interesting and educational.

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Winter 2023-24 & The Natural Gas Sector: A Post Mortem

Sunday, March 10, 2024
It’s The Slow Knife That Cuts The Deepest: How Insidious Contango Can Smother The Natural Gas Trader & How To Avoid It

Sunday, March 3, 2024
Paradoxical? An Analysis Of Seasonal Trends In The Natural Gas Sector
Intraday Natural Gas Storage Change

Realtime Natural Gas Inventories

Advanced Model Page

The Advanced Modeling Page integrates data from multiple models to generate gas-weighted degree day (GWDD) forecasts for the next 44 days and is available to subscribers. Click HERE to learn more about subscribing.

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Intraday Temperature Data

Disclaimer: Natural Gas & Oil Storage Projections, Intraday Natural Gas Stats, Renewable Energy Stats, Morning Reports, and fundamental pricing models are released by Celsius Energy as experimental products. While they are intended to provide accurate, up-to-date data, they should not be used alone in making investment decisions, or decisions of any kind. Celsius Energy does not make an express or implied warranty of any kind regarding the data information including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. See full Privacy Policy HERE.