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What is powerburn? Powerburn is natural gas burned for the purpose of electricity generation. During the summer , it is the leading component of daily natural gas demand. While it rises with increasing cooling demand, powerburn is also influenced by the price of natural gas and it is a metric for the competitiveness of natural gas versus other fuels. This makes powerburn less temperature-dependent than other elements of natural gas demand and it serves as a useful proxy for the looseness/tightness of the gas market. Powerburn numbers on this page are based on Realtime electrical grid data from the 7 Independent System Operators (ISO) and the EIA. It is based on observed electrical load and is updated on a minute-to-minute basis. Daily numbers aree based on observed EIA-reportede load and are usually updated for the previous day by 11 AM EDT. Average daily error is <0.5 BCF/day. |